Happy 2018

Assalamualaikum & hello everyone.

It's been a while. Timah tak travel maka takde update untuk blog ni. Hence the change of this blog adddress, bila timah travel baru la ada update. Bila timah tak travel maybe timah akan bercerita perkara lain. (as at March, blog dah tukar lols).

Anyway we are nearing to the end of 2017. Sedar tak sedar dah nak habis dah 2017, sendiri tak percaya.. I believe when I said that it means a lot had happened this year.

So what happened in 2017? 

1) Stable finance
2) Less travel & more committed in work
3) I lost a dear friend due to bad speeches
4) Mom discovered cancer and we went through chemotherapy for six months
5) I learnt to totally let go, forgive & forget

All in all, I would say 2017 was a good year. 2015-2016 was my downfall, I literally dragged myself to live everyday every morning - so I prayed hard for 2017 to be a good year for me. But did I travel every month? Did 2017 really do me good that I had a year long of good laugh? (Did I manage to finish writing my book? Unfortunately I didn't write a single thing this year, tau-tau dah habis tahun.) Not really, but that didn't mean that 2017 was not a good year. I'll tell you in this 10 questions I got from Aida Azlin.

Here's the 10 Question to describe your 2017. 

Question 1 : Name 3 words best describe your 2017
1) Grateful. 2) Patience. 3) Detachment. 

Question 2 : Biggest lesson you've learned this year.
1) Detachment : for years I dealt with depression because I weren't able to detach myself from feelings, from people I loved. This year I literally lost contact with two persons that I used to love. So around mid this year, it was a moment of realization for me to realize that I could easily detach myself from feelings and people when I learn the concept of Redha - the concept where Allah has written everything before we humans even plan and to go against that plan is actually denying the power of Allah, hence what we/I been through all those years : blaming myself, unable to forgive whatmore to forget. 

2) Grateful : the moment I learnt that mom has cancer, all my problems went away. It was as if all the problems never matter at all. I used to think that I had the biggest problems in the world. The news taught me to be grateful, and at the moment, to be grateful that I still have a mother (my mother, to be specific). Being grateful is wonderful as I learn to be less judgmental, and more understanding. 

Question 3 : Biggest change you did this year.
Myself? LOL. I think the biggest change I made this year is to stop dealing with people who don't matter, and people who made me feel like I don't matter to them. Also, I've stopped dealing with negative people. 

Question 4 : Best decision I've made this year.
Hah! To stop travelling. I guess it's time to embrace the fact that I am no pro-traveller. I am living in a world where I earn money on monthly basis. It means I got my paycheck every month and then the money's gone in days! Who am I kidding, to travel around the world monthly would mean that I have to sacrifice my food (that's not gonna happen). Those people giving advices like  CUT YOUR STARBUCKS' PURCHASES | DON'T GO SHOPPING | COOK YOUR OWN MEAL - these advices are not applicable to me.. In reality, we have bills to pay, parents to support, retirement plan and whatnot.

Question 5 : Best single achievement this year.
Be a good daughter? 

Question 6 : Who helped you get through 2017?
In work terms : honestly my lovely team.
Other than that : my family. cliche but true.

Question 7 : Which worry was unnecessary this year?
Can't really answer this one. As I said, the moment I learnt about mom having a cancer, all my worries/problems went away. There's not a single worry I can't deal with (so far) because I have the biggest worry now : how long I got to spend my years with mom?

Question 8 : How did you grow emotionally this year?
Shoot. I think I've answered as above. Anyway I think I have a stable emotion right now, no more a roller coaster emotion (literally like a bipolar person).

Question 9 : Your happiest moment in 2017.
Fuh which one to choose? I think the most suitable answer is when I learnt to forgive & forget. 

OK not really, the happiest was when I saw snow while I was in Gulmarg, Kashmir!! 

Question 10 : Your saddest moment of  2017
Definitely the moment I learnt about mom. I really thought I lost her that time but thanks to Allah she made it till today.

Okay so tell me how was your 2017? Answer the same questions and then let me know.



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